
What can I do with my pension pot

560 315 Jess Easby

Grow and protect your pension, both now and in the future.

For most, retirement will be funded in the main by a pension. It is therefore vital you have a robust plan in place that will allow you to grow and protect your pension, both now and in the future.

With ever-changing rules and regulations, we now have a pension system that is often difficult to navigate, putting many of using this as a savings vehicle.

When it comes to deciding how to use your pension pot, there’s no one ‘right answer’. The earliest you can start getting a Defined Contribution pension is usually when you’re 55 – you should check this with your pension provider. You might be able to get your pension sooner if you’re retiring due to ill health.

What are your pension options to consider?

Leave your pension pot untouched for now and take the money later

It’s up to you when you take your money. You might have reached the normal retirement date under the scheme or received a pack from your pension provider, but that doesn’t mean you have to take the money now. If you delay taking your pension until a later date, your pot continues to grow tax-free, potentially providing more income once you access it. If you do not take your money, we can check the investments and charges under the contract.

Receive a guaranteed income (annuity)

You can use your whole pension pot, or part of it, to buy an annuity. It typically gives you a regular and guaranteed income. You can normally withdraw up to a quarter (25%) of your pot as a one-off tax-free lump sum, then convert the rest into an annuity, providing a taxable income for life.

Some older policies may allow you to take more than 25% as tax-free cash We can review this with your pension provider. There are different lifetime annuity options and features to choose from that affect how much income you would get.

Receive an adjustable income (flexi-access drawdown)

With this option, you can normally take up to 25% (a quarter) of your pension pot, or of the amount you allocate for pension drawdown, as a tax-free lump sum, then re-invest the rest into funds designed to provide you with a regular taxable income. You set the income you want, though this might be adjusted periodically depending on the performance of your investments. Unlike with a lifetime annuity, your income isn’t guaranteed for life, so you need to manage your investments carefully.

Take cash in lump sums (drawdown)

How much and when you take your money is up to you. You can use your existing pension pot to take cash as and when you need it and leave the rest untouched, where it can continue to grow tax-free. For each cash withdrawal, normally the first 25% (quarter) is tax-free, and the rest counts as taxable income.

There might be charges each time you make a cash withdrawal and/or limits on how many withdrawals you can make each year. With this option, your pension pot isn’t re-invested into new funds specifically chosen to pay you a regular income, and it won’t provide for a dependent after you die. There are also tax implications to consider that we can discuss with you.

Cash in your whole pot in one go

You can do this, but there are certain things you need to think about. There are clear tax implications from withdrawing all your money from a pension. Taking your whole pot as cash could mean you end up with a large tax bill – for most people, it will be more tax-efficient to use one of the other options. Cashing in your pension pot will not give you a secure retirement income.

Mix your options

You don’t have to choose one option: you can mix them over time or over your total pot when deciding how to access your pension. You can mix and match as you like and take cash and income at different times to suit your needs. You can also keep saving into a pension if you wish and get tax relief up to age 75.

Financial situation at retirement

It is important to sum up the pros and cons of taking an annuity vs drawdown.

The way you draw an income from your pension is likely to be largely determined by your financial situation at retirement. Will you, for example, still be paying of your mortgage, or do you have any other significant debts? What other income sources, aside from the State Pension, will you have at your disposal?

While an annuity can offer you the security of a guaranteed regular income, a drawdown plan gives you the chance to grow your pension and overall wealth during retirement. The latter route is likely to suit those with a stronger appetite for risk, as any significant market swings could potentially cause serious damage to your pension savings.

For more information on our pension planning services, please do not hesitate to get in touch to start your financial planning journey today.

Annuity vs Drawdown

560 315 Jess Easby

Ensure your retirement strategy meets your needs and goals

Pension annuities

Benefits Risks
Provides guaranteed income for life and cannot be affected by market fluctuations. If you pass away shortly after taking one, you won’t benefit from the full value you paid upfront.
Some policies guarantee indexation meaning the pension will rise with inflation over time. Rates tend to be lower when interest rates fall, so you may get less than you had hoped for when taking your pension.

Pension Drawdown

Benefits Risks
Offers more flexibility and money can be taken when it is needed. Markets can potentially be volatile and there may be no guaranteed income from investments.
Any money left in the drawdown pot will not be liable for Inheritance Tax. If too much is taken out of your drawdown pot, then you could face hefty tax bills.

Retirement planning services

It’s important that professional advice is taken before deciding upon a retirement strategy. The right strategy should be tailored to the individual’s needs and circumstances.

What is pension drawdown?

150 150 Jess Easby

Financial Planner, Amy Burge, explains what Pension Drawdown is, what pension planning services we offer and how she has helped a client with their pension planning.

Pension drawdown or annuity?

560 315 Jess Easby

Make sure your retirement strategy meets your needs and goals.

It’s important to make a well-informed decision when it comes to deciding what to do with your pension pot: drawdown, annuity, or a combination of both. Making the right choice will affect your retirement for many years.

Pension drawdown gives you freedom and flexibility, allowing you to choose your annual income, whereas annuities provide steady income and security. For those who want both, they can purchase an annuity with part of their pension whilst keeping the rest in a drawdown agreement – giving them the best of both worlds.

The decision of whether to use drawdown or annuities can be a complex one, and professional advice is essential. Depending on your circumstances, either option may be suitable, with some preferring the security of knowing their income will remain stable for life, while others find the greater flexibility of drawdown more conducive to their retirement plans.

Flexible access pension (drawdown)

Pension drawdown can provide more flexibility and control over how your money is managed in retirement. Drawdown is an increasingly popular option for retirees to receive an income during their retirement. This method of taking an income allows individuals to access their pension fund in a tax-efficient way, as withdrawals are only taxable when they exceed the Personal Allowance.

The main advantage of pension drawdown for retirees is that it offers more flexibility than other options such as annuities or lump sum payments. Retirees can take out whatever amount they require, when they need it, and don’t have to commit to fixed payments over time, allowing them the freedom to make their own decisions on how they wish to use their pension savings.

Another benefit is that any money left in the drawdown pot will not be liable for Inheritance Tax. This is beneficial for those who wish to leave a legacy for their beneficiaries, as the remaining investment can pass directly to them without being taxed.

On the other hand, choosing drawdown does come with some risks. Retirees should consider that markets can potentially be volatile and there may be no guaranteed income from investments. Withdrawing too much capital can also leave you exposed should you live longer than anticipated. It’s important that individuals understand how they plan to invest their pension savings and how any losses or gains might affect them in future years. Additionally, if retirees take too much out of their drawdown pot, then they could face hefty tax bills.

Overall, it’s important that professional advice is taken before deciding upon a retirement strategy. While drawdown can offer more flexibility than other options, it’s important to weigh up all the pros and cons before deciding. Ultimately, the right strategy should be tailored to the individual’s needs and circumstances.

Pension Annuities

In contrast to drawdown, pension annuities provide a guaranteed lifetime income, but they also carry risk; if you die shortly after taking out an annuity it means that you won’t benefit from the full value that you paid for upfront. This can make them unsuitable for those with shorter life expectancies compared to those who are expected to live longer. The current rates available on annuities may be attractive when compared to those in the recent past, and this can be an incentive for those previously deterred by low returns.

The benefits of an annuity include long-term security, since the income is guaranteed for life and cannot be affected by fluctuations in investment returns or other market factors. Plus, some policies guarantee indexation which means that the pension will rise with inflation over time. This helps to ensure that retirees have sufficient funds to maintain their lifestyle going forward.

However, there are also downsides to consider when deciding whether an annuity is right for you. Annuity rates tend to be lower when interest rates fall, so you may get less than you had hoped for when taking your pension. Plus, the income is fixed and cannot be adjusted, so if your circumstances change in retirement and you require more funds it may not be possible to increase the amount you are receiving.

Ultimately, professional advice should always be sought with an annuity purchase as there can be a number of factors that need to be taken into consideration before making a decision. It is important to fully understand the terms of the policy and make sure that it is suitable for your individual situation before committing to anything long-term.

Combination of drawdown and annuities

For some people, a combination of pension drawdown and annuities may provide the best balance between security of income and control over withdrawals – we can help to determine which option is most suitable for you. Ultimately, it’s important to understand all aspects of both drawdown and annuities, including the pros and cons of each, before deciding.

Making sound financial decisions requires due diligence and considering all relevant factors so that your retirement goals are met in the most efficient way possible. Therefore, it is important to consider both drawdown and annuities when planning for retirement, and professional advice is key to making an informed decision. With the right knowledge and professional advice, you will be able to decide as to which option is most suitable for your circumstances.

By considering all relevant factors, you can make sure your retirement strategy meets your needs and goals.

Our retirement planning services

As we all live longer and enjoy unprecedented freedom to decide our own retirement options, it has never been more important to have clarity over what you want to do and how much money you’ll need to achieve that.

Through our retirement planning services, we can help you position your finances so that you are confident of maintaining a good standard of living and have the income to realise your life goals, whatever they may be. For more information, please contact us.

Spring Budget Pensions

560 315 Jess Easby

2023 Spring Budget on Pensions

Jeremy Hunt delivered his first budget as Chancellor of the Exchequer on 15th March and announced the following changes to pension legislation. 

Pension Lifetime Allowance

The Lifetime Allowance charge will be removed from April 2023 before it is abolished entirely from April 2024.

Pension Annual Allowance

The Annual Allowance will be raised to £60,000.

Spring Budget 2023

560 315 Jess Easby

How will the Spring Budget impact pensions?

Jeremy Hunt delivered his first budget as Chancellor of the Exchequer on 15th March, announcing key changes to pension legislation for the 2023/24 tax year.

Changes to Pension Lifetime Allowance

The headline measure was the change Pension Lifetime Allowance. Currently, the Lifetime Allowance stands at £1.0731m, this is the total amount of pension savings you can build up without incurring a tax charge over your lifetime.

If you exceed this figure, tax is charged at 25% if this excess is drawn as income, and 55% if this is taken as a lump sum.  

From 6th April 2023 the Pension Lifetime Allowance charge will be reduced to 0%, with the government intending to potentially scrap this Lifetime Allowance altogether. This will dramatically simplify pension savings for many people with assets close to the Lifetime Allowance amount.  

As part of these changes the maximum tax-free cash lump sum individuals can continue to draw will be a quarter of the current Lifetime Allowance, which equates to £268,275.  

Changes to Annual Allowances

The Chancellor has also announced key changes to the Pension Annual Allowance. The Annual Allowance currently stands at £40,000 or 100% of earnings. This allowance is to be increased to £60,000 or 100% of earnings, whichever id the greater.  

Whilst this will not affect the majority of the UK tax paying population, it does impact high earners and those who are more able to contribute larger sums into their pension savings. Increasing the Pension Annual Allowance is a move by the government towards simplifying pensions, making them appealing and attractive to the working population and is hoping to entice higher earners back to work or to stay in employment longer.  

Along with the Pension Annual Allowance, the Chancellor has also increased the Money Purchase Annual Allowance which currently stands at £4000 to £10,000. The Money Purchase Annual Allowance is generally triggered for those who have accessed their pensions flexibly, and their Annual Allowance is reduced from £40,000 to £4,000. From the 6th April 2023 this will increase to £10,000 per year.  

These significant changes made by the Chancellor in the Spring Budget have come under immediate scrutiny from opposition parties and already there have been rumours circulating that potential new Governments could well reverse these changes.

However, it is important to plan your finances based on current legislation and not hold off on making important financial decisions.

Your Ellis Bates Financial Adviser can guide you through any impact the Spring Budget may have had on your pension. If you are not currently an Ellis Bates client and are looking to review your pension in light of the Spring Budget, please do get in contact with us for an initial discussion on your particular circumstances. 

Green pensions

560 315 Jess Easby

Doing the right thing for the planet – Four in five looking to change jobs demand green pensions.

When you first start paying into your employer’s pension, your contributions, along with employer contributions and tax relief, will be invested through a default fund. You will usually have several fund options to choose from.

Increasingly, new research has identified that people are choosing to work for employers that provide ‘green pensions’[1]. Today’s workers expect employers to show true leadership and offer pensions which are invested responsibly.

Investments in high ESG-risk sectors

Demonstrating a genuine commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) priorities is not only the right thing to do for the planet, it could also be a game changer for attracting and retaining the best talent. Business leaders have a real opportunity to show staff that
they are serious about doing the right thing.

Many companies remain unaware of how their current employee pension schemes can undermine the progress they are making to develop more sustainable operations, primarily due to sizeable investments in high ESG-risk sectors such as coal, oil sands and tobacco.

One of the top four benefits

The data reveals the views of employees and employers relating to sustainable workplace policies and individual practices. Across the UK workforce, eight out of ten employees (83%) view climate change as an important issue – expecting their employer to take an active stance on ESG issues and implement sustainable workplace practices.

One quarter (24%) of employees cited support for more sustainable personal finances – including green pensions – as one of the top four benefits that they expect from a new employer, alongside flexible working (48%), cost of living support (39%) and an attractive holiday package (34%).

More sustainable pensions

72% of workers said that it was important their employer invests their savings sustainably, as part of their organisation’s overall stance on critical environmental and social issues. With a third (32%) of workers currently seeking new employment – and a further quarter (24%) planning to apply for new jobs in the next year – the data suggests that the provision of more sustainable pensions may provide a new way for employers to attract and retain talent.

Despite this sizeable employee demand, only a quarter (25%) of employers claim to be knowledgeable about green pensions. More than a third (37%) of employers claim to not know anything about them or have never heard of them.

Social and governance outcomes

In fact, nearly half of employers (43%) identified a green pension as a fund that avoids investments in highly polluting industries, such as oil or thermal coal projects. But only a fifth of employers (22%) acknowledged the social and governance outcomes, such as the equitable treatment of workers or promotion of gender and racial diversity on corporate boards (17%).

With over a third (34%) of employers admitting they don’t currently offer a sustainable pension scheme to their employees, there is a significant commitment gap on implementing workplace policies that positively impact ESG issues.

Socially responsible investment advisors

At Ellis Bates we have socially responsible investment advisors who can provide insight and guidance on our sustainable investment funds. We screen and choose all our funds against a range of ESG factors so you can see the impact your investments are having.

Are you planning for the retirement you deserve?

When it comes to retirement, you deserve the chance to enjoy the freedom it brings without having to worry about money. To make sure your retirement plans are on track, or to discuss our retirement planning services, please get in touch.

Source data: [1] Make My Money Matter, FTSE100 Research, September 2022

Pension Myths

560 315 Jess Easby

Pension myths vs facts: Can your pension provide the lifestyle you want?

We have the answers to some of the myths around pensions so that you can maximise your retirement. To find out more about our pension planning services and our retirement planning services, please get in touch.

Our pension planning services

150 150 Jess Easby

Head of pensions, Nigel Swan, outlines our pension planning services at Ellis Bates Financial Advisers.